Meaningful Content

Creating connections…

FROM individuals TO their self-reliance and financial goals

FROM Individuals TO their Potential

Leather Cover

Creating connections…

FROM Individuals TO opportunities for meaningful service and contribution

FROM experience with programs and research tools TO organizations that will benefit from professional feedback for improvement

Harvey Project

Creating connections…

FROM Individuals TO their Ancestors

FROM Individuals TO their Future Posterity

McAnally Project

Creating Connections…

FROM Individuals TO their living immediate and extended Family Members

FROM Individuals TO their genetic origins and heritage

San Filippo Project

Creating connections…

FROM Individuals TO their family memories, stories, and traditions

FROM families TO their priceless photographs and records

Wilkins Project

Connecting generations…

FROM Corporate leadership TO their valued colleagues

FROM Companies seeking strengthened, loyal, relationships TO their clients

Hubbard Project

Creating connections…

FROM Individuals TO financial opportunities in a meaningful, home-based business model

FROM Individuals TO a flexible work schedule that supports family values and goals


Creating connections…

FROM Family History researchers TO their personal goals for improving skills and expanding their application

FROM Individuals who love family history TO like-minded collaborators and professionals